RevCan Indicator Features at a Glance!


RevCan Trend Entry Indicator Version 4.0 (LATEST)
You will get the LATEST version of the "RevCan Trend Entry Indicator" file which can be installed and used in almost any chart of the Meta trader 4 (MT4) and Meta Trader 5 (MT5) platforms.
With RevCan Trend Entry Indicator, you can instantly get "High quality Buy Sell trade signals on Forex, CFD Stocks, etc. charts"; receive Instant signal notifications on PC MT4 terminal and on mobile; Signals on multiple security charts on various timeframes. ETC.
$1599 (Original Price)
Complementary access (FREE) to an EXCLUSIVE trading education

Swing Trading MasterCourse
(2 Premium Course Bundle)
With RevCan Trend Entry Indicator, you will also be given free access to Syed Rahman's exclusive master course on price action trading called "Swing Trading MasterCourse" which is a bundle of two premium courses that will enable you to identify the market structures more efficiently every time, and make winning trade entries and exits as an expert price action trader.
With the knowledge of Swing Trading MasterCourse, and automatic trade alert from the RevCan Trend Entry Indicator you will become unstoppable when it comes to trading the FOREX and other financial trading markets.
$600 *COMPLEMENTARY (FREE) with the package

Fully Customizable "Two Exponential Moving Average with 4 Colors" - MT4 Indicator
This is a FULLY Customizable Moving Average indicator that has two built in moving averages in it with 4 different color depending on the market trend.
After adding this indicator in your chart, you will see two moving average lines that are either "Green+Blue" if the market price is above both the exponential moving average lines; or "Orange+Brown" if the price is below the EMA lines.
This will help you easily identify the ongoing market tend, and decide if you should stand for bullish or bearish trade entries. You can easily customize the default EMA values and colors from the dashboard.
$50 Value

Step-By-Step Easy RevCan Indicator Installation and Other Settings Guide
A Step-by-step Indicator installation guide in the Meta trader (MT4) platform for those who don't know how to install a custom indicator.
Installing a custom indicator (like RevCan Trend Entry Indicator) in the MT4 platform is very easy.
If you don't know this already, then going through this guide will enable you to install any custom indicator in the MT4 platform in a matter of seconds.

Take Profit & Stop Loss Viewer - MT4 Indicator
This is another very useful indicator for the MT4 platform that displays the Stop Loss and Take Profit amount both in the Monetary/currency value and in Pips value in the chart after you make a trade and set the SL and TP.
This indicator will allow you to position the stop loss and take profit level at your desired SL and TP level based on your risk to reward ratio and money management plan.
You don't anymore need to calculate the SL and TP values manually when you will add this indicator in your chart. It's a great tool to have as a trader.
$25 Value

FOREX Market Session Hours - MT4 Indicator
Every wise trader knows the importance of Forex session opening and closing hours to catch the market volatility to enter into a winning trade.
This "Forex Market Session Hours" indicator will help you identifying the previous, ongoing and as well as upcoming major market sessions (New York, London, Tokyo, Sydney) in a minimally colored box which fully customizable.
This is very beneficial to know when is the right time to look for market volatility, and when to step down. It's a great tool to design your trading plan.
$50 Value

SPECIAL RevCan Strategy Manual
Although "RevCan Trend Entry Indicator" does not need to be learned to be trade with, still you can use some basic trading rules to filter out some of the bad trade signals from 100's of good ones.
In this SPECIAL RevCan Indicator strategy manual, you will learn some step-by-step rules and tips you can follow to staggeringly increase your number of winning trades when following the RevCan Trend Entry Indicator.
You will be making more profitable trade entries with RevCan Indicator when you will follow the very effective tips mentioned in this book.
$100 Value

OneClick Change All Timeframe - MT4 Script
This "OneClick Change All timeframes" script for the MT4 terminal is an extremely important tool for a trader who uses multiple (10, 20, 50, 100) charts in a MT4 terminal to look for trade setups in different charts.
When you have 30 or 40 charts with RevCan indicator, and you would want to see trade signals from any specific timeframe, you just open this script from the navigator window and select the timeframe in which you wish to see all your charts in.
It will then transform all the charts in the terminal in that timeframe(let's say in 1-hour timeframe) in just one click. It's a must have tool for any Forex trader.
$25 Value

Customer Support & Free Updates
When you buy any of the RevCan Indicator plan, you will be immediately entitled to be served as an important customer to us and we will give any support you want regarding the RevCan Indicator for unlimited times, so that your trading journey runs as smooth as possible without any difficulties.
You will also get notified and receive free indicator updates for your remaining license period whenever we make any changes/improve the RevCan Trend Entry Indicator (we do this a lot) and make it even more awesome.
With RevCan Indicator, you will always get more and will never be left out all alone in dark. You are important to us :-)
= $2400 + Unlimited Value
But Today....... we will not charge you $2400... Nope!
Get a plan based on your preferred trading platform(s)

MT4 Version: 1 Year
1 year* license to RevCan Trend Entry Indicator for MT4 platform
1 Year Complimentary access to Swing Trading MasterCourse
Additional complimentary indicators
Additional complimentary script
Installation and setup manuals
Special strategy and user guides
Free updates and support
$199 Only*
SAVE $2200+ TODAY*
(*Limited Time Offer. Expires Soon)

MT4 + MT5 Version: 1 Year
1 Year* License To RevCan Trend Entry Indicator For MT4 Platform
1 Year* License To RevCan Trend Entry Indicator For MT5 Platform
1 Year Complimentary Access To Swing Trading MasterCourse
Additional Complimentary MT4 Indicators
Additional Complimentary MT4 Script
Installation And Setup Manuals
Special Strategy And User Guides
Free Updates And Support
$269 Only*
SAVE $4500+ TODAY*
(*Limited Time Offer. Expires Soon)

MT5 Version: 1 Year
1 Year* License To RevCan Trend Entry Indicator For MT5 Platform (*more trading instruments = more trading opportunities)
1 Year Complimentary Access To Swing Trading MasterCourse
Installation And Setup Manuals
Special Strategy And User Guides
Free Updates And Support
$198 Only*
SAVE $2200+ TODAY*
(*Limited Time Offer. Expires Soon)
NOTE: After purchase, you will get the course access immediately, and the RevCan Indicator + all other bonuses will be delivered to your email within 24 hours of your purchase
Please send us an email at support@revcan.co.uk if you did not receive your copy of the RevCan Trend Entry Indicator along with bonuses within 24 hours of your purchase, and also contact us if you have any issues regarding the indicator download and installations or of any other related queries.
If you are serious about winning trades and make money... There should be no excuse to avail this offer!
Don't wait... get the RevCan Trend Entry Indicator + All the Bonuses now and change your future for good!
RevCan Trend Entry Indicator
for serious traders
How RevCan indicator signals produced loooaads of profitable trade signals up until this month
2850+ Pips
2700+ Pips
4000+ Pips
3600+ Pips
2800+ Pips
4200+ Pips
And counting....
Never miss a potentially profitable trade opportunity again!